Friday, September 24, 2010

.. 早睡早起身体好??? ..

These 2 days I have been waking really early... really early, at weird hours?.. 3am yesterday and 5am today! Maybe because I've been sleeping earlier after taking the medication.. and after waking up, I can't get back to sleep anymore! So I decided to get up! Then I realised that, WOW, 5am plus and the sky is already much more brighter than during the winter season! I LOVE IT! Spring has indeed come!! :)

Took this picture at 6.20am, it is already pretty bright! And the temperature hovering at 5 degrees only! Blrrrrr... Hope it will get warmer soon!

Actually it really feels good to be UP early! The day is indeed much longer.... and I think early morning is so peaceful! Will be good to go for a jog, or just take a stroll? Then can do prayer-walk? Wow... Maybe can get that started soon... if I continue to get up this early! HAHA... :)

Alright! Shall go do some devotion now... then can get started on assignment research. Then go to work! WOW!! Gonna accomplish so much today! YEAH!! :)

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