Sunday, October 24, 2010

.. I want to preach like her! :) ..

This is Pastor Jane Evans! Senior Pastor of Paradise Community Church.

She preached in the city campus this morning, and it just dawned upon me today that she is really such a great preacher! I mean, I always feel that she preaches very well, but today I am really inspired by her! I want to learn to preach like her! :)

In the midst of listening to her preaching, I was also observing the way she preaches and her ability to connect with the people. Wow... I LOVE IT! I learnt so much today!

It is always inspiring to hear women preachers like Pst Jane. While we do not want to preach with the dynamics of a male preacher, we are women after all... I want to learn to preach with such femininity (womanliness)! HAHA...

I thank God for Paradise Community Church. I learnt so much from the people here. :)

Come to think of it, while I am sooooo looking forward to go back to Singapore this Dec, I also somehow feel a little nervous. I mean, it's a transition again to transit back to working life. Got to send resumes, go for interviews... While a part of me wants to go back to the banking industry, a part of me also hopes to have the opportunity to go into full-time ministry. But yet, even if there is really the opportunity, somehow I feel that... am I ready yet?

I mean, can I really make it as a church staff??

With the many things that have happened in CHC since Feb, and also seeing the flaws I have in my life....

I don't want to step into it, and then having to step out of it, because I cannot make it. :(

Though I may not know what lies ahead after I graduate, one thing I know for sure is that, I want to continue preaching the Word of God. :)

Yeap! Need to pray... Need to seek God. Which I know I will have all the time to focus and do so after my exams. :)

Exams' going to start in 3 weeks' time! Wheeeeee! HAHA as if I am very excited! But I am definitely looking forward to finish the 3 papers that I have!!! :) :) :)

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