sigh.. but lost all previous tags... nevertheless, take it as a brand new start! =)
today went for prayer meeting! hmmm... heard some remarks that they don't really know what pst albert is talking about. as in his points are flying everywhere.. do u agree?
Yes i do agree.. however, i feel, it also reflects the condition of our hearts.. our minds. This was one of the few times where i saw ppl leaving the place halfway thr the meeting. at least i counted there were 5 of them. perhaps some of them do have genuine reasons, they need to leave because they have some impt appointments to attend to.. even if so, can't they really just tarry through? my conviction is, i won't leave the house of God, until, the meeting is over, & pst says we can be dismissed! why? i just felt leaving the place while the preacher is still talking, is so disrespectful... Dis-honoring the servant of God --> Dis-honoring God. yes, it is that serious... at least it is to me..
not that i'm judging the people who left.. if they do have genuine reasons, they have to go. but those people who can actually stay, but chose to go.. well.. i do hope they can tarry through the next time when there's such a meeting again.
tarrying through.. it takes strength. discipline. tenacity. a love for the word of God. a love for the servants of God. when we find our mind drifts away, it is our responsibility to draw our mind back! FOCUS! listen! like what pst albert said, our daily spiritual warfare, flesh vs spirit. friends, let your spirit man rule over your flesh.
thank God my people tarried through. =)
but i do know some of my ppl who needs to learn to overcome their flesh... well.. dun fall asleep while in Svc or even BS. what's the point of attending, when the word is not going into your head, cos you are not even listening, because you fall asleep?!? Oh oh.... :P
well.. guys, build up your inner strength. tarry though with Me.. Jesus says.
Pst Albert. One of my most respected servant of God. He's just like the great apostle Paul in our generation. Gift of celibacy. Gave his whole life to serve the Lord. In a country where the freedom to worship cannot be compared to Singapore... yet he tarrys through & is still going strong. I won't forget the teachings he taught us in SOT, his sharings just awed us, awoke the spirit of martyrdom in us. When some servants of God left Sri Lanka when war broke out, claiming that God has called them to go ministering in other foreign lands, yet, he stayed. Not afraid of dying for the Lord. This is what a true disciple of Christ is all about.
He taught us. "Don't worry that you will die for God... In fact if you really die for God's sake, you should feel very honored cos only people of the early apostles' calibre will go through such martyrdom! Not any Tom, Dick & Harry will go through that, you know?" Haha.. all of us in that class that day laughed, yet, something had been planted in our hearts that day.
The spirit of martyrdom. Not afraid to face the persecution (or even death!) that comes along in our walk with the Lord.
In a peaceful country like Singapore we're living today, i don't think we will face such death-threathening situations lah... aiyo we are really so blessed. May none of us be in a stage of complacency & take things for granted because of that. Come on friends.. Let's appreciate the goodness of God over lives, and give Him the best of our lives, our everything..
alright.. enough nagging.. oops, i mean sharing.. :P
Hope all who read this blog today will receive something into their hearts...
Have a blessed week ahead... rejoice! for God is a GOOD God!
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