Monday, March 24, 2008

.. Easter 2008 ..

I had a blessed Easter this year.

Thank God for the breakthrough I had in the area of my career just before I stepped into the Easter weekend. It really lifted my spirit man.

Though the drama didn't really went very smoothly initially, thank God that the services at JW on Friday were still very good. Message was good. Many precious people responded and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

I really want to highlight on the i-Ming drama production at Expo. What a classic! It was really awesome! Like what Pastor Kong said, the best production so far in the history of City Harvest Church. I was very touched, very moved. Tears welled in my eyes. The love that lies behind forgiveness, what a great power. How will it be like, if we can be like Leonard, went back to the time where Jesus was in Jerusalem. Looking at the very person of your Saviour, Jesus Christ.

5 years ago, I visited Israel. We went on a study tour and visited the places where Jesus went about preaching on the Kingdom of God. We came to a place, where our tour guide told us that the path we were standing on was the very path that Jesus had walked on. At that very moment, goosebumps just came upon many of us... Just an awesome feeling, a closeness I suddenly felt I had with the Lord. We also went to Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed before the betrayal took place. I looked at the garden. I thought of the struggle in the heart that Jesus went through. Yet, He prayed, not His will, but the will of the Father be done..

It is indeed very important to celebrate Easter every year. Sometimes we just have to be reminded of what Jesus had went through for us. Out of sight? Out of mind sometimes. In a Christian walk, sometimes one just begin to ponder, is it worth it giving up everything for the Kingdom's cause? But if you know what Christ has done for you, and you saw with your very eyes what He had indeed went through, what other thing could be there, to take the place of Him in your heart?

太 多 感 触。。。

Let me end with this song. When I first heard it in Chinese Church, tears just flowed. Powerful worship song. Like what the song goes,

"或 伤 心 或 气 馁
或 生 离 或 死 别
愿 刚 强 壮 胆 永 远 不 后 退 "

我要一生跟随耶稣。。。 永不后退。。 。

祢 流 出 宝 血
洗 净 我 污 秽
将 我 的 生 命 赎 回

祢 为 了 我 的 罪
牺 牲 永 不 悔
显 明 祢 极 大 恩 惠

我 深 深 体 会
祢 爱 的 宝 贵
献 上 自 己 永 追 随

或 伤 心 或 气 馁
或 生 离 或 死 别
愿 刚 强 壮 胆 永 远 不 后 退

喔。。。祢 爱 永 不 变
从 今 直 到 永 远
深 深 浇 灌 我 心 田

或 天 旋 或 地 转
经 沧 海 历 桑 田
都 不 能 叫 我 与 祢 爱 隔 绝

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