Monday, December 31, 2007

.. Thanksgiving! ..

Last day of 2007. I really want to thank God for all the things that had happened this year.

It's great believing in God and putting my trust in Him.

Apart from some struggles & uneasiness in ministry aspect, I think this year has really been great. Felt my career has a good breakthrough. It's time to move on to somewhere else cos it's good to have a different exposure.

CHANGE. Necessary for Growth.

I want to increase my value in life. I believe I'm worth much more now in the marketplace. :)

So, praying that tis breakthrough is going to happen soon. :)

Had our subzone thanksgiving today. First attempt. I think it can be considered of certain standard! Ha. Apart from a MAJOR technical problem, the rest were pretty good. Of cos need to improve on the time allocation and also arrange for a chords stand and a pulpit. Think everything will be better then!

Anyway. I really love the pictures above. Took them today. Of cos, missing Victoria... hmmm.. W116 seldom can take a full picture together leh.. everytime is always missing this person, that person.. So many people serving on Sunday.. wanna meet for a meal together also very hard..

I really hope that we can have more quality fellowship in 2008..

I LOVE W116. :)

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