W116... E448... so nice, so nice! :)
Meet the new CGL..... Serene POK POK POK POK Si Huiiiiiiiii....
Hee.. what a COOL picture hor.. :P
Anyway! I'm really so glad to see pok pok rising up... finally the time has come!
It's such a great feeling to see someone whom you had seen how she grew... how she had changed, how she had overcome the storms that arised in her life, how she enlarged herself on the inside & overcame what's happening on the outside! :)
Pok, I'm really so proud of you.
Let's continue to work hand in hand with the CG to grow the Kingdom of God, in quality & quantity!
For the rest of the CG, don't guess who will follow who! hee... You will know in the days to come, who's taking W116 & who's taking E448... :P
Thanks everyone for being a part of W116 to make this multiplication happens!
You guys are the bestest of the best!
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