Maybe you feel as if you are on fire as you walk on the streets?
Anyway, I can't wait for school to start on Monday!! Yeah Yeah! Another day of orientation to go tomorrow...
The textbooks here are all so expensive! They are all over A$100! Faint... I'm taking 3 courses this semester. The cost of the textbooks are A$127.88 for Macroeconomics, A$110.66 for Accounting and A$104.10 for Organisational Behavior..... Maybe I will not get them, try to get some 2nd hand textbooks......
$$$ $$$ $$$
I'm getting used to spending lesser here, will think twice before I buy anything.... haha. NOW I AM A STUDENT!! It takes a while to adjust to it... Been working for the past 12 years, so not very limited in my spending power. Ha.. can eat whatever I like to eat. I hope by this I can lose weight & achieve my ideal weight! Hee...
But, after chatting with some of my hostel mates yesterday, I'm a bit scare of winter season now... Haha. One said during winter, because it is so cold so cold, you will just want to eat and keep yourself warmth.... She put on a lot! But when she is back in Malaysia for holidays, then she lose some excess kgs. Oh mine. I don't want to put on weight leh...!! :P
Been cooking my meals for the past few days.. Cooking is quite fun, but really not the washing up part. Haha. But, it's good to learn how to cook.. :)

Looks ok hor? They all taste nice!! :P