"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need."
This verse has always been the foundation of my life. My life is built upon this Word.
Perhaps, all these years, 12 years as a Christian, God has never ever shortchanged me.
As I make a decision to choose to seek His Kingdom first... Thus far He has never failed me.
Though there are (so many) times that I failed... He never fails. :)
Though there were very stretching moments at times... He always walks me through.
Last night during the leaders' meeting, as we were praying.. I just felt the HS putting into my spirit man...
Why is it that this verse has to be spoken by Jesus, and recorded in the Bible?
For us, living in this world, in this fast-paced society.. I guess all of us will want to strive to succeed. And there will always be so many temptations that will come along the way, creep into our lives... 'Convincing' us that we are too busy to serve, too busy to care...
Seek first the KOG thus often gets neglected, and overlooked in our lives...
When we were younger, we served to the best of our ability...
When we stepped into working life, very often we ended up consumed by the cares of this world...
I just felt this verse really serves as an encouragement... a reminder... and an affirmation to everyone of us...
He will take care of us. As we seek to take care of others...
I'm very thankful to God that all these years of walking with Him, I am blessed with good role models in my life.
They showed me what is meant by seeking the KOG first... They already have a family of their own. With kids & career, yet they juggled so well with their ministry too...
My prayer is that, more people will truly discover His grace, that is always more than sufficient..
My prayer is that, I will continue to be a good shepherd to my people.. That is really the cry of my heart.