yesterday was a day of discipleship.
i discipled my members.
sis evelyn discipled CK leaders after svc...
sowing & reaping??.. =)
i hope my members will know that discipleship is part & parcel of a christian walk..
i may be angry, but i still love them a lot..
pls dun hate me or be afraid of me..
i'm really a very nice person one...
dun leave church because of my discipleship, okie?
where i would want to see my CG to be? sis evelyn shared on what pst kong preached.
"Gone are the days where the people of God are unable, unwilling & doing the unnecessary."perhaps this is where i would want to see my members be.
Enabled. Empowered. Ever willing to avail themselves.I really felt my people are really good people. They love God.. are obedient.. teachable.. really a wonderful bunch of people to lead! praise God for w116!.. however, i know there's still many areas to work on.. esp in the area of attitude. not that they are bad, but, can be better! =)
Our attitude determines our altitude.. Attitude is very important!
Attitude towards loving the lost..
Attitude towards serving God in their ministry faithfully, & willingly..
Attitude towards loving the people in the CG..
Attitude towards respecting those in authority..
Attitude towards GOD.
Simple things like praise & worship, we should be giving our very best, simply because He deserves it.. these are the basics! what is a half-hearted praise or worship? it is equivalent to giving God a sub-standard kind of gift. Dun give to God. Give to the devil.
Bible study.. is it really so hard to be following through a consistent plan weekly?
still remember the good old days in hollywood where my CGL dun have to come after me, to remind me to go for bible study.. it's in my heart! in my spirit... the love for the word of God just removed all my tiredness.. it gave me strength. Will be queuing for svc at 4.30pm, all for the purpose of getting good seats for CG members. with sharon & cheryl, fellowshipping while queuing... no air-con, perspiring all over. still remember the kind of excitement & joy when the doors opened at 6pm, rushed in! felt the air-con! so cooling! getting centre seats will be our joy! =)
after svc, go for a quick dinner.. then rushed back for bible study. though late & feeling tired, yet it doesn't matter.. wow, those are the days of growing up in the Lord. Pleasant memories.. those were the days where the Lord built inner strength & tenacity in us...
i hope to see this kind of fire in my people. taking the responsibility over their own walk with the Lord. have the diligence to complete the different levels of bible study.. dun miss the lessons, if not have to play "catch-up" games... why make life so hard?
have the conviction about the importance of the Word of God - it will renew our minds, it will change our lives. guys, God has planned great things for your lives! =)
it's really time to lift up the standards of my people.. to be christians not by name, but by the way they live. it's not an easy job... it's tough..
but with God, all things are possible.. I have faith in God.. I have faith in my people.. I have faith to see with the eyes of faith that the people in w116 will be flourishing & prospering... top students, top performers, shining for God in all aspects!
Let our attitude towards giving be tested in this coming arise & build.. i believe w116 will pass this test very well cos we are a bunch of great givers. it's exciting days ahead... looking forward to seeing the move of God over the lives of my people & myself!
guys, discipleship will still be going on in the days ahead.. but do know that i really love you guys lots.